CM Hall of Fame

Back in 2013, brands responding in a funny way to their audience on social media was not as usual as it is today. And when it happened, it was genuinely funny. This gave me the idea to create CM Hall of Fame, a tumblr that gathered all those unusual responses.

What was initially a one-shot website turned into a 3-year project where I had the opportunity to build a community of 40k+ members on Twitter and Facebook, wrote monthly articles for Golden Moustache, held a conference at the Dare.Win agency, and published a book with Hachette.

CM Hall of Fame is still running and is managed since 2017 by the Twog collective.

Design-wise, I created the visual identity for CM Hall of Fame (logo, tumblr header, social media assets) and Hachette designed the book based on this identity.


Concrete Surf Riders


Atelier MG